I was taught we lived in the only Free Republic in the world where the People voted for their legislators to represent them, not betray them. We are now Oppressed, over-taxed, forced to accept wrong.
The meaning of TYRANNY is an oppressive power; oppressive power exerted by the government. Biden signs most sweeping gun reform bill in decades CLICK. Only criminals who buy theirs illegally will have guns. Even got your Credit Card to track your purchase as if an honest dealer doesn’t already report it when he calls in a background check.
This is the oath the President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TAKES
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. HE HAS DESTROYED OUR COUNTRY, killed jobs, killed industries, and sent inflation to the Hoover-FDR level. Banks are failing, changing our culture, and opening our borders to killers, and spies, from 150 countries. Giving them aid in money, phones, and living places, and sending them to college on our tax dollars. While cutting programs necessary for American Citizens of all ages. Ukraine and Illegal Aliens have your Tax $$!
You will be arrested for praying, for defending your property against an Illegal Alien. Say the wrong pronoun and you lose your job. Refuse the Fauci-Pfizer Vaccine, he coerced companies to fire you. Crime is at an all-time high in the big Blue States and Counties. Chicago got so bad the citizens ousted Soft on Crime Loti Lightfoot, the first woman, Lesbian, Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose re-election, for a promise of a Law and Order mayor same color, and the same party. I lived across the river on the Indiana side as a teen, crime never got that out of control under Richard Daily, except for his crimes as mayor.
A Man named Donald Trump, a businessman, not a politician Dared to beat the most despised woman in America by Patriotic Americans, Hillary Clinton, Obama Sec. was s Sec. Of State was responsible for the horror of Benghazi, wife of former president Bill Clinton. From day one they spent 4 years trying to destroy him. They cheated to put Biden in office. GOP had NO back Bone to stand behind him. They like the Graft too much, he was stopping. They never stopped Perescuting him, for the things they themselves do daily. Clinton lied under oath about having sex with Monica Lewanski, and President Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones a whopping $850,000 to keep her quiet over sexual harassment claims — but was never arrested for it. Till the little Blue dress proved him a liar. He Paid Off many women he had sex with from the time he was Governor of Arkansas clear to the White House, the MSM aiding and Abetting him, just as they have every Democrat President. This is their latest set of charges. Trump supposedly paid off a Porn Star wannabe Actress. This is one of the oldest cons in the book, hard to prove without DNA like was on Monica’s Blue Dress.
He took $1.00 each quarter as his salary because he was required to, the rest he donated to worthy causes, Veterans, teachers, and disasters. Was he perfect, no, he was a good man who loves his country, as only Jesus Christ is perfect.
My other articles are more link filled. CLICK, GAS APPLIANCES CLICK. Joe Biden Can Now Be Crowned the Welfare King, A stock market crash and a Great-Depression-style economy are among the boldest forecasts for 2023. CLICK,
”The first 10 Amendments set out our Rights. Many on the Left don’t seem to understand them. True some are hard, and some used the language of the time. Many today don’t understand. the 1st Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 2nd Amendment "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." These may be the two most important of the first 10.
Ronald Reagan was considered the most important Republican Conservative President of our time. To those born of his time period. Never was a man so right.
If you don’t teach the next generation to understand that, you failed as a teacher, parent, or guardian. We once respected our Military, Police, Fire, Doctors, and Legislators. Not anymore. The Propaganda started long before many were born, even before the Vietnam War, in our college classrooms.
History is not taught, Propaganda is. Which president started the Vietnam War? In order to improve the situation, President Kennedy continued to increase economic and military aid to South Vietnam. By the end of 1961, the Kennedy administration supported $65 million in military equipment, and $136 million in economic aid and dispatched about 3,200 U.S military advisors to South Vietnam. By 1963, the number of US military advisors reached 16,0004. CLICK. The Assassination of JFK left the Presidency in Lyndon Johnson’s hands.
58,195 USA Men and Women died. Many more were maimed and disabled. Those who came home were NOT greeted as Heros, but as BABY KILLERS, spit on, beaten, and cursed. Jane Fonda, daughter of actor Henry Fonda, who was the face of this Hatered CLICK. and a Traitor to her country. And Never punished for it.
I’ve had many men in my family in Uniforms of the United States Military since WW11. Father, cousins, husband, nephews, nieces, and friends. The day she is buried, they will SPIT OR PEE ON HER GRAVE, SHE IS STILL HATED TO THIS DAY. She just went from being a Traitor to advocating KILLING OUR BABIES, IN THE NAME OF EUGENICS. CLICK. Ever wonder why Planned Parenthood centers are in Black Communities? Try looking up Margaret Sanger. CLICK.
I DON’T HIDE THE FACT I’M A EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN AND PRO-LIFE, but there are two exceptions. Ectopic or if the baby dies in the womb, to save the mother’s life or she’d die of Sepsis.
I fought for you. Lee Greenwood version 2 God Bless America

Great past and current history lesson Gail👍
Biden wants to make national monuments in Texas and Nevada using his authority under the Antiquities Act of 1906