WHEN DID WE HIRE A KING NANNY? Telling us what Stove we can have. I thought this was a Free Republic, not a Dictatorship.
I think I'm smart enough to pick the APPLIANCES I want. After all, they are in many of our Public institutes, businesses, and the homes of the rich Parascitic Elite$.
What Appliances am I writing about, all the ones that might be in your home, and have been individual State housing codes approved for decades! From your wonderful Gas Stove, Hot Water Tank, Fireplace, Grill, Hot Spa, or FURNACE. Which are cheaper than Electric ones. To rehab, or replace every one of the various systems could cost many Billions to Trillions of Dollars. Because it’s not just your house they are talking about.
All are based on one Dubious study that cause 12% of Asthma in Children. Here I thought I had a good understanding that the FDA said it was Roach ridden housing and Second-hand Smoke. Trumka’s banning gas stoves was ultimately a bunch of hot air CLICK.
The obscure regulator (and political scion) who sparked the Gas Stove Furor CLICK.
The MSM picked up ad nauseam and repeated without counterproof.
Biden's Green Rules Mean Appliances Will Soon Cost More and Do Less, Experts Say. CLICK.
John Kennedy: Biden admin's gas stove ban will hurt the American people. CLICK.
They’re Coming for Your Gas Stoves and They’ve Already CLICK.
Biden administration weighs nationwide ban on gas stoves: report CLICK
Biden Kept His Promise to Wage a War on American Energy CLICK
Biden’s War on Cooks: President Moves To Ban Gas Stoves CLICK
First, Biden came for your gas stove. Next, Democrats will come for your gas heater
NEW: Pete Buttigieg consulted China-tied group pushing gas stove bans, electric vehicle mandatesCLICK. GREAT TRUMP VIDEO ON OIL
Why are Democrats suddenly so interested in banning gas? CLICK
Obama has been approved to install three (3) massive propane tanks totaling 2,500 gallons, despite pushing for Democrat-backed green initiatives.
The $75,000 propane tank will sit on Obama’s swanky Martha’s Vineyard property along the “rising” seashore
Democrat-led cities are already moving forward with gas stove bans that will affect millions CLICK
Anti-gas stove fanatics chip away at liberty and insult Americans' intelligence
For example, the new residential electric requirements in Washington have an average lifetime cost of $7,500. Consumers simply pay through the nose without any choice in the matter. That figure comes from an independent cost impact study the SBCC requested from the Pacific Northwest National Lab. CLICK.
How the gas vs. electric stove debate became the latest culture war, with AOC and Ted Cruz chiming in: 'Gas stoves for me but not for thee' CLICK.
Or is this just more hatred against Former President Trump who gave us a roaring Economy? Biden’s Energy Department struggles to reverse Trump rules CLICK.
Federal Court Overturns Nation's First Natural Gas Ban CLICK.
Are you okay with paying $8.00-$14.00 for a dozen eggs? Did you realize up to 58 Million Chickens and their eggs were destroyed by supposed Bird Flu? No proof that they had it except for a Government Inspector word, who works for Biden’s Administration. Did you get sick from Big Ag’s Huge Chicken Production plants? Small farmers and Homesteaders don’t seem to have an issue with the Bird Flu.
US government diagnosing chickens with bird flu using fraudulent PCR tests, then slaughtering them - Survive the News CLICK.
CLAIM: Tractor Supply chicken feed allegedly laced with ingredients causing chickens to stop laying eggs; company board members tied to WEF, Jeffrey Epstein CLICK
CDC admits PCR tests are a fraud… so what about the last two years, then? CLICK.
The Attack on Things That Work - Noah Rothman, Commentary CLICK

Dangerously misleading headline. Democratic cities aren’t just banning gas stoves, they’re banning all use of Natural Gas in new construction homes and businesses, which includes banning natural gas water heaters and furnaces.
The body of the story correctly explains this, but the headline implies that only gas stoves are being banned. CLICK
STARNES: Biden’s Climate Czar Declares War on Kitchen Appliances CLICK.
OR IS IT MORE OF THE JOB KILLING GREEN ENERGY he and many Parasitic Elite$ push? He campaigned on it. His first act was to bypass Congress and write an Executive Order (EO) that killed thousands of oil and coal jobs, with one swipe of a pen.
All great Chefs cook on high-end Gas stoves and Charcoal grills. I watch those cooking shows like Iron Chef on TV.
Even the Biden’s have gas appliances in their FOUR homes, and in the White House Where 3 Woodburning Fireplaces have been installed. Do they have a Gas Stove on their Yacht? It’s big enough.
Their yacht looks as big as the Aircraft Carrier USS INCHON my husband retired from, in 1978 after a 20-year career in the US Navy. LOL, So I’ve had to cook on whatever stove our rented place had. I’ll take a Gas Stove any day over an electric one. Wouldn’t want to overload our Electric Grid which needs to be upgraded, or do you like rolling Blackouts we’ve never had before? I HATE the electric stove that came with this house I put up with. But HANDS OFF my TANKLESS HOT WATER HEATER!!!!!!

Biden said he had Asthma as a teen. FACT CHECK: Was High School Baseball, Football Star, Lifeguard Joe Biden Too Unhealthy To Serve In Vietnam? CLICK Maybe that A-Fabulation excuse was made up too? Unlike the TWO Brain Aneurysms, he had before he became VP. Neither Asthma nor A-Fib shows up in his yearly medical exams. I’ve found no reports on that.
When the Federal Government mandated we put our babies in the car’s back seat, for their safety, deaths from Hot Cars rose. As people in a hurry to go to work got forgetful. Or run into a convenience store, and your car gets Carjacked. If you are lucky before they wreck it, they set your baby out to be found. My Malibu is the fanciest car we ever owned as it is our last car as we are Seniors. Which is not a high-end car and has one of those chips that warns you, you LEFT SOMETHING or SOMEONE in the Backseat. Not all cars have such a chip. Maybe that should be Mandated for a few bucks instead. Instead of messing with our Gas Appliances.
I believe I’ll stick with our Founding Fathers. I don’t need a KING, I need an Honest Government. And I’m NOT EATING BILL GATES BUGS OR FAKE MEAT. Eat ze bugs: WEF edict sentences humans to ‘zero-emissions’ food. Starve the animals who do eat them. CLICK. The ‘Great Food Reset’: Who’s Behind Plan to Reengineer the Global Food Supply? CLICK. THIS IS A VERY, VERY IMPORTANT ARTICLE. I watched Soylent Green as a teen.
NOW HE WANTS YOUR WASHING MACHINE AUDIO Biden’s Green Energy Clampdown on Washing Machines, Refrigerators Sparks Concern CLICK. CLICK.

Manufactured Food Crisis Continues With Massive Fire at a Top Five Egg-Producing Chicken Farm
Hundreds of fresh eggs smash after machine knocked over at poultry farm
Mixed With Sugar, Beetles Taste Like Meat': 200,000 Tons of Insect-Based Foods to be Produced Annually
Ready or not, consumers will soon encounter lab-grown meat
Biden official who pushed to ban gas stoves calls anger over it ‘misdirected’
GDP report reveals ominous Great Depression warning sign not seen since 1932
Trumpka doesn't like the truth. I still don't need a Nanny. Biden official who pushed to ban gas stoves calls anger over it ‘misdirected’