SOMETIMES THE NEWS WRITES THE TITLE King of debt Joe Biden absurdly labels himself a ‘deficit hawk’ $42.7+ TRILLIONMAN.
When President Biden was inaugurated, the Congressional Budget Office projected $14.5 trillion in baseline budget deficits between 2021 and 2031. Two years later, the CBO now projects $20.5 trillion
Let’s clear up a few things, as modern education no longer teaches things like Government, Math, and Civics. You have direct taxes, license fees, liquor fees, and various fees for recreation. A FEE IS A INDIRECT TAX. We have a Federal Income Tax, and all but six States have State Income Taxes. Tennessee has no State Income Tax. A Sales Tax is our base tax, and it is written in the State Constitution the Budget must be Balanced, but they tax through various other Fees and taxes. Many cities/counties will add a small % to it. Double Taxation. I/WE can choose to spend for items we want at the price we want, thus controlling the Sales Tax the state gets. Former Rep. Beth Harwell pulled a fast one under the last governor Bill Hashalm and forced through a Progressive 2nd Gas tax. So far it has Not been repealed. Let’s examine the Law that Never Was there are 2 books, the 16th Amendment. CLICK. Decide for yourself the facts. Caveat if you don’t pay the Onerous Federal Income Tax there are big consequences. Only Congress can get away with graft forever.

King of debt Joe Biden absurdly labels himself a ‘deficit hawk’
CLICK. Biden Says 'I'm Gonna Raise Some Taxes' in March Budget Proposal CLICK. NOTE COMPANIES ONLY PASS TAXES ONTO CONSUMERS.
Stock market news today: Stocks fall after key manufacturing data CLICK
I’m not an expert on the Stock market but do understand a Bull vs Bear market, a Bear one means higher Prices. Maybe a stable market is better than both. No matter which some members of our US Congress do Insider Trading on the markets and become very wealthy. Former House Speaker Pelosi used her husband to do it. Even though it is Illegal.
As an American Taxpayer, I realize we help other less-developed nations with food, water, and health from our reserves, which often end in massive fraud, and little getting to the starving people. This can be prevented vastly by not giving it to the ruling Politician’s in control. Make everything accountable.
But do we need to spend over $135 BILLION IN 2022 ON A WAR IN A COUNTRY THAT HAS WEALTH? US announces new $400 million Ukraine security aid package CLICK. SUPPORT THEIR POLITICIANS WHILE AMERICANS ARE CHOOSING FOOD OVER MEDICINES. Biden Announces Funding For Ukrainian Pensions Just One Day After Denying Aid To East Palestine, OHIO CLICK. Ukraine’s President has a consiberal personal wealth. CLICK. And has MANY resources. What Are The Major Natural Resources Of Ukraine? CLICK.
Biden says he cut national debt by $1.7T — when he actually increased it by $3.84T CLICK. The U.S. Misery Index and Bidenflation's Impact on Everyday Americans: No Matter How You Slice It, Things Aren't Going Well With Average Americans, ‘We’re all bracing for impact.’ Most Americans think a recession is already here. CLICK.
Biden aims billions in taxpayer money at companies' labor, supply practices CLICK.
Environment Secretary says people could work more hours to pay for food CLICK
Grocery price inflation reaches record 17.1% CLICK. VINEGAR, FLOUR, SUGAR, 100%, EGGS VERY BY STATE $6.00- $12 OR MORE.
US Mortgage Rates Rise To Over 7% As Fed Tightens Monetary Noose (Is Powell Chanelling Volcker?) CLICK.
2 in 3 Business Owners Aren’t Paying Themselves Due to Inflation CLICK.
Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Falls as Hope Crashes CLICK. Bank of America warns the Fed will hike rates to the ‘point of pain’ as experts say there’s no ‘serious signs’ the economy is under control CLICK.
Empty Shelves and Closed Doors: National Retail Chains Shutting Down Locations in Tennessee CLICK. This is my State!
World's food security in peril as Russia, China have a stranglehold on key item CLICK.
Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium? This is one of the CLIMATE WACKOS IDEA, BILL GATES, IDEA. U.S. Beef Cattle Has Lowest Inventory Since 1962 CLICK. I think I’ll stick to the real thing, less chemicals.
Consumers are focusing on spending on essential purchases, new survey finds CLICK.
Here We Go Again! ISM Manufacturing Prices Paid Rises For 2nd Straight Month As Fed Slow Walks Balance Sheet Shrinking (Growing Inflation Warning!) CLICK.
Pandemic-era SNAP benefits end for millions of Americans as costs rise CLICK. With the price gouging and Scams by the big 10 food and goods manufacturers, many low-income consumers will be hurt. Productivity Crashes: Worst Decline Since 1974 CLICK.
HOA'S ARE YOUR ENEMIES. JUST ASK JASON ROBERTSON, of the Duck Commanders. They control what you can have in your yard. Why can’t I have hens in my backyard or a veggie garden my yard is large and is in front of a Farmer’s cornfield are my questions, they provide EGGS, keep bugs out of my garden, and aren’t as noisy as the Barking dogs in the area? I’m a third-generation Canner. I taste the metal in metal canned foods and am not allowed frozen prepared meals, as they are full of chemicals and too much Fat/Salt and not very nutritious. I’ve been cooking since I was 20, self-taught. Fast Food is causing the Rapid Rise in Type 2 Diabetes, and Cancer. There are many studies available. Your Cardiologist will be advising your diet if you don’t change how you eat. Or your Endocrinologist. Or Both. And Butter is better than all the other fats.
Food shortages see surge in home-growing, say suppliers - BBC News CLICK
British supermarkets are rationing fruit and vegetables as shortages bite CLICK.
This is by far the WORST idea for saving money for schools districts, Framingham, MA Dem chair: Let's abort special needs babies to save money, or something CLICK. He has Refused to resign. Michael Hugo, the chair of the Framingham Democratic Committee, made the shocking proposal during a city council meeting earlier this month. If he were a GOP he’d be forced to resign.
Great Depression prices. When the Great Depression began in 1929, prices dropped as fewer people could afford milk and eggs, but farmers still had them to sell. From the 1920s to the 1930s, the price of a gallon of milk, for instance, dropped nearly 10¢ (a big percentage). Milk: 26¢ per gallon Eggs: 15¢ per dozen Bread: 12¢ Bacon: 21¢ for a half-pound. We are being priced gouged, Oh, and hate self checkout. LOWE’S VIDEOS YOU, at Self Checkouts, cost 4 people their jobs. 4TH AMENDMENT VIOLATION, my permission wasn’t asked. This is Kroger’s protype shopping cart. CLICK. SUPPOSED TO STOP THEFTS. ANOTHER 4TH AMENDMENT VIOLATION. ROFLOL. Seniors have enough issues using Selfcheckouts. That error.

To all I want to introduce you to my friend Justin O. Smith's writing.
The Federal Observer
"Sic transit gloria mundi" ~ "Thus passes the glory of the world."
Justin O. Smith Fly Away from Your Own Destruction
It Comes down to Jesus wrestling with the Devil in this case Biden and cabal vs Patriotic Christians.
Please do read my scribbles on Gas Stoves, as Biden still wants yours, while he has 4 of them 1 in each of his 4 homes. All great Chefs like Iron Chef Cat Cora owns huge ones. Appliance stores are already warning customers who are remodeling their kitchens. Wish I could afford to do that. I refuse to spend money that maybe needed for food or medicine. I do have a 52 year old son who had to quit his job, his boss refused to let him go eat, he is a Type 2 Diabetic. Which triggered an ER trip for a Heart event, and is now facing a Heart Catherization. Until the Cardio tells us what he will need to do, Stent(S) or Bypass, or both we won't know.
One of the problems with being a Single Adult Male with no small children, is you don't qualify for much in the way of the Safety Net programs women with kids have available. Since he was forced to quit, no Unemployment. So no income. The Charity Church Health Center only covers limited medical. His 20 year old son pays the rent and utilities. He has always had a job, many times working 6 days a week 10 hrs a day. The hospital dumped a $25K bill in his lap knowing he had No health ins. It hadn't kicked in yet. Many are in his shoes now. Food Banks are OVERWHELMED WITH HUNGERY PEOPLE. HOMELESS SHELTERS TOO.