The SHTF in Western NC almost two months ago, and people are still insurvival mode.
For those saying, “Well, the government will help them; that’s what we pay taxes for.” No, they won’t. In fact, they’re making a terrible situation even worse. It’s so bad that one has to wonder, is this mere incompetence, or is there something darker at play? Let’s take a closer look at this SHTF playing out in our own nation, one that most of the country is completely unaware of.
The information in this article is based on first-person accounts from the people who live there. Not every person in Western North Carolina is having the same experience. These are stories from the hardest-hit areas. These things aren’t all being reported in the MSM, and in fact, some are reporting the opposite. After the outrageous propaganda voiced there during the election, I know who I find more credible.
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” James Madison
Those “nice, common-people Democrats”—you know them. They are helpful to their neighbors and kind to others. I have both a brother and sister who fit that mold—to a degree. But these “nice Democrats” are just as guilty of heinous, immoral barbarity as the Pelosis, Bidens, and Obamas because they vote for it. How many people who would never think of murdering a baby or mutilating a child vote for those who authorize such actions? That makes the voter just as culpable as those for whom they vote and who suck the unborn, in pieces, out of the womb or emasculate a boy or girl child to gratify sexual perverts. That’s the “silent encroachment” the Democrats have been getting away with the past 60 years, and they will not stop pushing it. And the hypocrites who lack true virtue will scream their own innocence and virtue loudly and long—and continue to vote for it.
That was excellent Gail. I remember those days. For sale section in paper was full of Corvettes, Cadillacs, hunting camps. Some people were really attached to their "stuff." One guy called into a talk show and said he didn't know how he was going to keep paying for his and his wife's Cadillacs and the hunting camp. DJ simply said I guess you'll have to sell them!
The forces you pointed out are only part of it. The unions kept asking for more pay, vacation and benefits but were dead set against modernization because it would cut jobs. So U.S. mills were operating on a 1920's technology. Of course the mills couldn't compete. They were good people who got bamboozled by their highly pay union bosses. I remember when U.S. Steel gave the take it or we close contract. Those dumb asses should have seen the writing on the wall when U.S. Steel started DIVESTING ITSELF OF ITS OWN STOCK and buying into the oil companies!
We lived through the strikes on commodities and a card to a local mom & pop for meat, eggs and bread. The IGA was the local big grocery store didn't see a dime. Would have been cheaper though. Dad's working days ended when he fell off a Catwalk and damaged his spine at the neck. Always wondered why they closed, figured it was due to overseas produced cheaper steel. So I got a history lesson too.
I'm out of room. Starter houses are not big enough. Need more heavy shelving, and less big 60+ year old furniture. Just be sure to check recall list. Kodiak frozen waffles and more beef have been recalled. Filthy hygiene from illegals.
Yesss Abigail - incidentally, I love the name Ma'am.
Presently, if he's not assassinated prefacto, DJT will Swear the Oath and accede to the Oval Office. Mr Trump is NOT the 'Second Coming, surely. Hiwever I BELIEVE that the Lord has allowed him to triumoh to the extent which he has in order to 'SLOW the Roll'.
To that end, I believe that our Father will vest extraordinary AUTHORITY in Mr. Trump. By that I mean that few - if any - will be PERMITTED to naysay him.
However, Time will Tell, surely...
Are you familiar with the specifics of the US Constitution? Perhaps you'll wish to go look that up and read it in it's validate what I here say...
THE CONSTITUTION VEST specific Authorities to the Chief Executive, several, point in fact.
As you read the text thereof pay exquisitely CLOSE attention to what it says regarding the President's relationship with CONGRESS.
Specifically, the Constitution arrogates the Authority to the President to...
"SEAT the Congress when matters of VITAL IMPORT to the welfare of the Country MUST be addressed."
But ALSO that,
"The President MAY - at his discretion - upon Declaration of EMERGENCY, VACATE thr Congress INDEFINITELY."
The first of the preceding means that the President may COMPEL the Congress to remain 'In SESSION' in order to force a Vote on IMPORTANT LEGISLATION.
While the latter part - EXPLICITLY - Grants the President the AUTHORITY to dissolve CONGRESS - for as long as needed - by a Declaration of EMERGENCY.
NOW, WHY does all that mean doodle-doo?
Simple..the current Congress - EVIDENTLY - intends to fight Mr Trump on EVERY ONE of his Cabinet selections...
Soooo...SO BE IT. THERE ARE OTHER METHODS - perfectly legal ones - by which our 'CONGRESS' can be wholly bypassed.
IF Mr Trump DOES so then he will seat his Cabinent IN FULL and Congress can go pound sand...after which the CARNAGE WILL begin...
I belong to Heritage so yes I have the Pocket version. Dems will fight tooth and nail with the 5 Rinos to block as many as they can. 2 dem bench justices decided NOT TO RETIRE.
Simply put here our ‘Craptains of INDUSTRY’ Sold AMERICA OUT. NO, the seeming ‘typo’ above is NOT a ‘typo’.
That was the FIRST ‘Lesson’ that INDUSTRY taught us: NEVER, EVER Trust those SLIMY BOTTOM-LINE, PENCIL-PUSHERS…EVER.
WE, the PEOPLE have LEARNED our lesson well indeed.
“YOU sold US out…Lock, Stock and BARREL. Never again while we live and BREATHE will we ever take YOU at your Word. Instead, WE will watch ALLthat you do…waiting for the SLIGHTEST hint of any perfidy.
WHEN - not IF - we see THAT, then you WILL KNOW FEAR. The pitchforks and ROPE will come out…and we WILL be ‘visiting’ you shortly thereafter…
The SHTF in Western NC. The Govt. Is Making Everything Worse.
The SHTF in Western NC almost two months ago, and people are still insurvival mode.
For those saying, “Well, the government will help them; that’s what we pay taxes for.” No, they won’t. In fact, they’re making a terrible situation even worse. It’s so bad that one has to wonder, is this mere incompetence, or is there something darker at play? Let’s take a closer look at this SHTF playing out in our own nation, one that most of the country is completely unaware of.
The information in this article is based on first-person accounts from the people who live there. Not every person in Western North Carolina is having the same experience. These are stories from the hardest-hit areas. These things aren’t all being reported in the MSM, and in fact, some are reporting the opposite. After the outrageous propaganda voiced there during the election, I know who I find more credible.
Wisdom From the Founders: Madison and 'Gradual and Silent Encroachments'
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” James Madison
Those “nice, common-people Democrats”—you know them. They are helpful to their neighbors and kind to others. I have both a brother and sister who fit that mold—to a degree. But these “nice Democrats” are just as guilty of heinous, immoral barbarity as the Pelosis, Bidens, and Obamas because they vote for it. How many people who would never think of murdering a baby or mutilating a child vote for those who authorize such actions? That makes the voter just as culpable as those for whom they vote and who suck the unborn, in pieces, out of the womb or emasculate a boy or girl child to gratify sexual perverts. That’s the “silent encroachment” the Democrats have been getting away with the past 60 years, and they will not stop pushing it. And the hypocrites who lack true virtue will scream their own innocence and virtue loudly and long—and continue to vote for it.
That was excellent Gail. I remember those days. For sale section in paper was full of Corvettes, Cadillacs, hunting camps. Some people were really attached to their "stuff." One guy called into a talk show and said he didn't know how he was going to keep paying for his and his wife's Cadillacs and the hunting camp. DJ simply said I guess you'll have to sell them!
The forces you pointed out are only part of it. The unions kept asking for more pay, vacation and benefits but were dead set against modernization because it would cut jobs. So U.S. mills were operating on a 1920's technology. Of course the mills couldn't compete. They were good people who got bamboozled by their highly pay union bosses. I remember when U.S. Steel gave the take it or we close contract. Those dumb asses should have seen the writing on the wall when U.S. Steel started DIVESTING ITSELF OF ITS OWN STOCK and buying into the oil companies!
TEA is the Dems Monster Super Pac besides Pharma I think.
Yep, the unions here in Washington killed the golden goose Boeing , drove its corporate to Chicago and plants to right to work states.
When the WTO riots hit Seattle things just sunk to the bottom and never crawled back up.
To tell the truth nothing has been good here since Carter was in office, and 40:years of mail in ballots and democrat rule . HELP!!!
Don't know how it will work, but possibly Trump can demand federal elections use paper ballots.
They would have to be idiot proof. HANGING CHADS was not a pleasant thing to watch. I hate to think what AlBore would have done on 9/11. Bow to Mecca?
Wow Gail !
We lived through the strikes on commodities and a card to a local mom & pop for meat, eggs and bread. The IGA was the local big grocery store didn't see a dime. Would have been cheaper though. Dad's working days ended when he fell off a Catwalk and damaged his spine at the neck. Always wondered why they closed, figured it was due to overseas produced cheaper steel. So I got a history lesson too.
Great historical footnote.
Very well said. Thank you. I am restocking to spread the truth to people.
I'm out of room. Starter houses are not big enough. Need more heavy shelving, and less big 60+ year old furniture. Just be sure to check recall list. Kodiak frozen waffles and more beef have been recalled. Filthy hygiene from illegals.
Yesss Abigail - incidentally, I love the name Ma'am.
Presently, if he's not assassinated prefacto, DJT will Swear the Oath and accede to the Oval Office. Mr Trump is NOT the 'Second Coming, surely. Hiwever I BELIEVE that the Lord has allowed him to triumoh to the extent which he has in order to 'SLOW the Roll'.
To that end, I believe that our Father will vest extraordinary AUTHORITY in Mr. Trump. By that I mean that few - if any - will be PERMITTED to naysay him.
However, Time will Tell, surely...
Are you familiar with the specifics of the US Constitution? Perhaps you'll wish to go look that up and read it in it's validate what I here say...
THE CONSTITUTION VEST specific Authorities to the Chief Executive, several, point in fact.
As you read the text thereof pay exquisitely CLOSE attention to what it says regarding the President's relationship with CONGRESS.
Specifically, the Constitution arrogates the Authority to the President to...
"SEAT the Congress when matters of VITAL IMPORT to the welfare of the Country MUST be addressed."
But ALSO that,
"The President MAY - at his discretion - upon Declaration of EMERGENCY, VACATE thr Congress INDEFINITELY."
The first of the preceding means that the President may COMPEL the Congress to remain 'In SESSION' in order to force a Vote on IMPORTANT LEGISLATION.
While the latter part - EXPLICITLY - Grants the President the AUTHORITY to dissolve CONGRESS - for as long as needed - by a Declaration of EMERGENCY.
NOW, WHY does all that mean doodle-doo?
Simple..the current Congress - EVIDENTLY - intends to fight Mr Trump on EVERY ONE of his Cabinet selections...
Soooo...SO BE IT. THERE ARE OTHER METHODS - perfectly legal ones - by which our 'CONGRESS' can be wholly bypassed.
IF Mr Trump DOES so then he will seat his Cabinent IN FULL and Congress can go pound sand...after which the CARNAGE WILL begin...
Food for thought...
I belong to Heritage so yes I have the Pocket version. Dems will fight tooth and nail with the 5 Rinos to block as many as they can. 2 dem bench justices decided NOT TO RETIRE.
Someone needs to hand Elon a copy of The Pig Book Citizens Against Government Waste, and hire them. They put out a book yearly. They will find wasteful programs to eliminate too. Schumer
Simply put here our ‘Craptains of INDUSTRY’ Sold AMERICA OUT. NO, the seeming ‘typo’ above is NOT a ‘typo’.
That was the FIRST ‘Lesson’ that INDUSTRY taught us: NEVER, EVER Trust those SLIMY BOTTOM-LINE, PENCIL-PUSHERS…EVER.
WE, the PEOPLE have LEARNED our lesson well indeed.
“YOU sold US out…Lock, Stock and BARREL. Never again while we live and BREATHE will we ever take YOU at your Word. Instead, WE will watch ALLthat you do…waiting for the SLIGHTEST hint of any perfidy.
WHEN - not IF - we see THAT, then you WILL KNOW FEAR. The pitchforks and ROPE will come out…and we WILL be ‘visiting’ you shortly thereafter…
They still are. As is Pharma, Insurance, etc.