The day that destroyed the working class and sowed the seeds of Trump. From then on, this date in 1977 would be known as Black Monday in the Steel Valley
MADE IN AMERICA FIRST. My dad following his 6 year WW11 stint under General Macarthur in the Pacific Theater, as a US Army, 503rd Airborne, worked at YOUNGSTOWN SHEET & TUBE, as a Boilermaker. Mom was a house wife, with four kids. 1 income. House was bought off a blueprint for $18,500 a ranch style 4 bedroom 1.5 baths, living room, and a large kitchen that held a dinning table for 6. Heat, but no AC, box fans for windows and screen doors for cooling. A 1st Color TV. I was the channel turner being the oldest. E. Chicago, Ind. Where is the company today?
Dad Disapproved of the Marshal Plan. After having fought them for five years, and witnessing the Atrocities they committed. His last battle was the retaking of CORREGIDOR. Which saw America flooded with cheap Japanese junk as he put it. Turns out the cheap Lead painted toys sold by the millions to post war America made children sick from Lead Poisoning. No you won’t find that fact in any history book or government study.
DEAD! In the next hour, their lives would change forever. From then on, this date in 1977 would be known as Black Monday in the Steel Valley, which stretches from Mahoning and Trumbull counties in Ohio eastward toward Pittsburgh. It is the date when Youngstown Sheet and Tube abruptly furloughed 5,000 workers in one day.
The bleeding never stopped.
Within the next 18 months, US Steel announced that the nation’s largest steel producer was also shutting down 16 plants across the nation, including their Ohio Works in Youngstown, a move that eliminated an additional 4,000 workers here. That announcement came one day before Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. said they were cutting thousands of jobs at their facilities in the Mahoning Valley, too.
Within a decade, 40,000 jobs were gone. Within that same decade, 50,000 people had left the region, and by the next decade, that number was up to 100,000. Today the 22 miles of booming steel mills and the support industries that once lined the Mahoning River have mostly disappeared — either blown up, dismantled or reclaimed by nature.
“Those numbers only reflect the jobs that were lost in the plant; the ripple effect was equally devastating. Grocery stores, pizza shops, gas stations, restaurants, department stores, car dealerships, barber shops all saw their business plummet and they started closing,” said Steinbeck.
On the night of Black Monday, Lynd remembers an emergency meeting was called by the Central Labor Union and a plan was endorsed to send petitions to President Jimmy Carter encouraging him to stop steel imports and put an ease on regulations that were hurting the industry. At the time, newer plants in China and Japan, which had better technological capabilities, were outstripping American production.
Three hundred men, local elected officials and faith leaders all traveled on five buses to the White House. The mood on the drive was somber, and the late Sen. John Glenn stood on the US Capitol steps, along with other elected officials, as the men waved signs that read “Save the Steel Industry.”
Carter never even bothered to send out an aide to receive the petitions when they arrived. Amazingly, the president, who was a well-known supporter of the working class, never even acknowledged them.
The events of Black Monday forever changed not only the Steel Valley, but her people and eventually American culture and politics. Just last year the reverberations were felt in the presidential election when many hard-core Democrats from this area broke from their party to vote for Donald Trump, a Republican who promised to bring jobs back to the Heartland.
Even today, after the election, the Washington establishment still hasn’t processed or properly dissected its effects. Economic experts predicted that the service industry would be the employment of the future. Steelworkers were retrained to fill jobs in that sector, which was expected to sustain the middle class in the same way that manufacturing did.
It did not. According to a study done by the Midwest Center for Research, the average salary of a steelworker in the late 1970s was $24,772.80. Today, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the median household income in the Mahoning Valley is $24,133.
The events of Black Monday forever changed not only the Steel Valley, but her people and eventually American culture and politics. Just last year the reverberations were felt in the presidential election when many hard-core Democrats from this area broke from their party to vote for Donald Trump, a Republican who promised to bring jobs back to the Heartland.
Even today, after the election, the Washington establishment still hasn’t processed or properly dissected its effects. Economic experts predicted that the service industry would be the employment of the future. Steelworkers were retrained to fill jobs in that sector, which was expected to sustain the middle class in the same way that manufacturing did.
It did not. According to a study done by the Midwest Center for Research, the average salary of a steelworker in the late 1970s was $24,772.80. Today, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the median household income in the Mahoning Valley is $24,133.
Obama continued Carter’s programs, and both he and Biden changed them to Chinese cheap products, spies, electronic parts shortages. Selling American land to both China and Muslim countries. While putting American Farmers out of business using The Antiquities Act and Immanent Domain.
SCOTT BESSENT: Let's talk tariffs. It's time to revitalize Alexander Hamilton's favorite tool. For months, economic commentators parroted the Harris campaign’s misleading talking point that tariffs are a "sales tax." Like much of economists’ conventional wisdom, this view is fundamentally incorrect. The reflexive opposition to tariffs represents political ideology and advocacy, not considered economic thought.
The truth is that tariffs have a long and storied history as both a revenue-raising tool and a way of protecting strategically important industries in the U.S. President-elect Trump has added a third leg to the stool: tariffs as a negotiating tool with our trading partners.
Prior to the 16th Amendment, (do read many Republicans supported it throughout our history) which authorized the individual income tax, tariffs had been one of the federal government’s chief sources of funding. Our first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, also happened to be America’s original proponent of tariffs. But after World War II, a consensus coalesced around multilateral tariff disarmament. The promise of this new free-trade consensus was that any economic dislocations caused by globalization would be offset by increased prosperity for all. In the U.S. especially, this conviction was accompanied by a faith that free trade would lead to political freedom in other countries, such as Communist China. Neither of these predictions has proven to be correct.
Critics of tariffs argue that they will increase the prices Americans pay for imported goods. This, reduced to absurdity, was the Harris campaign’s "sales tax" argument. But the facts argue against this. President Trump’s first-term tariffs did not raise the prices of the affected goods, despite predictions back then that the tariffs would prove inflationary. Indeed, not only was there no discernible rise in inflation during the last round of tariffs, but the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation actually declined.
Used strategically, tariffs can increase revenue to the Treasury, encourage businesses to restore production and reduce our reliance on industrial production from strategic rivals.
For too long, the conventional wisdom has rejected the use of tariffs as a tool of both economic and foreign policy. However, like Alexander Hamilton, we should not be afraid to use the power of tariffs to improve the livelihoods of American families and businesses.
Alexander Hamilton was the first secretary of the treasury and thus became the architect of the structure of the department. Hamilton’s first interest was in repayment of the debt that resulted from the American Revolution. He affirmed, “The debt of the United States… was the price of liberty.” Under Alexander Hamilton, the First Bank of the United States was established. It issued paper currency that was used to pay taxes and debt owed to the federal government.
President Trump tried to rectify this in his 2016 term. Saddled with old RINOS, and Democrats. Many in his first cabinet were old hold overs who ‘bribed’ Donated to these people. REMEMBER THESE 5 RINOS AND GET RID OF THEM. According to MSNBC, at least 5 Senate Republicans were a hard no on Gaetz: Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), Sen.-elect John Curtis (R-UT). WHO WILL THEY TARGET NEXT?
PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS EARNED THE RIGHT TO APPOINT HIS CHOSEN CABINET, as Biden, both Bush’s and Biden have done. Gaetz withdrew to stop the hold ups these five RINOS created. Now it is UP TO the AMERICAN’s Who Elected Trump to become Activist in their States. Congress whether State or Federal have isolated themselves from anyone who is not from their state or district. You can’t fix what is wrong if you don’t become political activist. We in Tennessee put enough pressure on Senator Marsha Blackburn, to change her Thune vote for Scott. The 5 Rinos were the 5 votes that were for Thune, won. Make your voices heard in a peaceful way. You can boycott business that offend you. We did it across America when Bud light promoted a Transgender. Budweiser never recovered. To many other beer brands learned to remain silent. Target stores were the next. Every negative story was big news. Customers were forever lost.
Sabotage continues.
President Joe Biden awarded the Medal of Freedom to Cecile Richards, former head of Planned Parenthood, who oversaw 4 million abortions.
Biden agrees to give Ukraine anti-personnel mines.
Terror Bomber Nearly Pulls Off 2nd 9/11 – Sons of 1776.
Los Angeles becomes sanctuary city but relies on federal funds for migrants. The City of Los Angeles declared itself a sanctuary city in advance of the second Trump presidency, which would bar city cooperation with immigration enforcement and providing of immigrant data to the federal government. However, the city’s fiscal weakness combined with its reliance on federal funding for migrant services could leave it short on funds if Trump withholds federal funding to compel deportation compliance. The city’s new ordinance — passed unanimously by city council — prohibits the use of city resources from being used for immigration enforcement or cooperating with federal authorities engaged in immigration enforcement.
Racist Democrat Congresswoman Loses Her Mind On White People
Scientist manipulated Colo drinking water tests for years before coverup ensued.
Lincare Made Billions While Repeatedly Defrauding Medicare. Feds Did Little To Rein It In.
Biden/Kamala Regime Flew Laken Riley's Killer From Famed Roosevelt Hotel in NYC to Georgia On Taxpayer Funded Flight - Geller Report
As a parting shot for not winning. You Can’t Make This Up: DNC Fires Loyal Staffers with One Day’s Notice, No Severance – Staff Union Erupts in Outrage!
Cleanup on Aisle 7. Allen West.
Democrats made a mess of America in every way. It is quite disturbing that they are angry and attacking those who reported that we needed a cleanup on aisle 7, all the aisles. Worse, they’ve gone into vicious attack mode on the people being called in to clean up. Instead, the former grocery store management should ask themselves why we were all fired.
None of us want to shop at a grocery store in disarray, where we cannot afford the commodities, and some are allowed to come right in and take whatever they want out of our shopping cart. I liken that to illegal immigrants. Oops, I am sorry, “newcomers.” This is why the Biden-Harris management team was sent packing, especially since we were told they had "no regrets" and could not think of anything to do differently in managing the grocery store. And who wants to be greeted at the store by an angry curmudgeon who calls you disparaging names?
Sure, there were some who liked the way the grocery store was run, but they didn't have a strong enough voice to prevent the firing. Truthfully, they will reap the benefits of a well-run grocery store—and they don't even have to patronize the meat section.
Steadfast and Loyal.
The SHTF in Western NC. The Govt. Is Making Everything Worse.
The SHTF in Western NC almost two months ago, and people are still insurvival mode.
For those saying, “Well, the government will help them; that’s what we pay taxes for.” No, they won’t. In fact, they’re making a terrible situation even worse. It’s so bad that one has to wonder, is this mere incompetence, or is there something darker at play? Let’s take a closer look at this SHTF playing out in our own nation, one that most of the country is completely unaware of.
The information in this article is based on first-person accounts from the people who live there. Not every person in Western North Carolina is having the same experience. These are stories from the hardest-hit areas. These things aren’t all being reported in the MSM, and in fact, some are reporting the opposite. After the outrageous propaganda voiced there during the election, I know who I find more credible.
Wisdom From the Founders: Madison and 'Gradual and Silent Encroachments'
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” James Madison
Those “nice, common-people Democrats”—you know them. They are helpful to their neighbors and kind to others. I have both a brother and sister who fit that mold—to a degree. But these “nice Democrats” are just as guilty of heinous, immoral barbarity as the Pelosis, Bidens, and Obamas because they vote for it. How many people who would never think of murdering a baby or mutilating a child vote for those who authorize such actions? That makes the voter just as culpable as those for whom they vote and who suck the unborn, in pieces, out of the womb or emasculate a boy or girl child to gratify sexual perverts. That’s the “silent encroachment” the Democrats have been getting away with the past 60 years, and they will not stop pushing it. And the hypocrites who lack true virtue will scream their own innocence and virtue loudly and long—and continue to vote for it.