Great essay Gail! You covered a lot of bases. And adding the song by Jason Aldean. The reason the song pisses them off so bad, like Libs of Tik Tok, is he shows the crazy Communist/Marxist actually burning down cities, etc! HE'S the one inciting violence??? It ALREADY OCCURRED!

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NATO – an anti-white and anti-family institution . . .

After the apocalypse of 1945, a number of global organizations have been formed with the aim of maintaining and expanding totalitarian liberalism. One of the earliest organizations formed for this purpose was the war alliance "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", or NATO, which can be seen as the military wing of globalism.

In addition to ensuring that Washington always has international support for its military campaigns, NATO as an institution is explicitly anti-white and explicitly dedicated to "racial justice" for racial aliens living in white countries. As early as 1999, NATO authored reports blaming nationalists for a number of modern problems and warning against the influence of nationalism.

In 2023, the war alliance held a summit at its headquarters in Brussels on race where the alliance's leaders pledged to fight "homogeneous attitudes" and to use NATO's "collective intelligence" for the purpose.

In fact, NATO is so dedicated to its anti-white agenda that it openly advocates that institutions must be reshaped to be "inclusive," in other words, restructured to be more anti-white, and consist of fewer white employees and executives.



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J.D. Vance: Biden's Green Agenda to Decimate Steelworkers in the Heartland

According to Vance, Biden’s EPA is unable to cite a single domestic power plant that is able to meet the green energy standards set out by rules, suggesting the agency “has failed to consider fully the impact of the standards to industrial consumers of fossil-fuel generated electricity.”

The impact of the rule would be especially hard on a backbone of the nation’s industrial base: the steel industry. The country’s top two steel producing states of Ohio and Indiana are especially reliant on fossil fuels for electric power generation—80 percent in Ohio and 91 percent in Indiana. When the new standards drive up energy costs and undermine the electric grid, steelmakers in the Heartland and throughout the country will suffer. The steel industry has already warned that the “increased costs, along with potential base load generation and grid reliability issues from the premature closure of fossil fuel-fired power plants, will have a dramatic impact on the viability of steel plants in the Unites States.” [Emphasis added]


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US to cancel Alaska oil, gas leases issued under Trump


LARRY KUDLOW: Biden is breaking the law

Biden is killing oil and gas drilling, Kudlow says


US is sending Ukraine ammunition that can not only pierce Russian tank armor but also ignite inside


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PANIC BUYING. India’s rice export ban has triggered panic buying at US supermarkets, causing the price of a 20-pound bag to surge from $16 to almost $50 in some stores.

The South Asian country, which accounts for 40 percent of world rice exports, ordered a halt to its largest rice export category, non-basmati rice on Thursday to calm domestic prices, sparking fears of global shortages.


MS AND AR WHICH PRODUCE RICE in the USA have BEEN HIT BY TORNADOES, STRAIGHT LINE WINDS, RAIN, AND FLOODING DURING PLANTING SEASON. tHEN IT MOVES INTO W TN. These can run from short pop-ups that do lots of damage to day-long storms. This is the first full week people have had dry weather. Many will be rebuilding full homes and businesses. AZ is in drought.

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‘On the Bidenomics train’: White House takes jabs at Abbott, Noem for touting low unemployment

“This morning, with the release of new state unemployment numbers, we are seeing Republican governors jump on the Bidenomics train by celebrating record-low unemployment and record-high jobs creation in their states under President Biden,” the memo reads. “It’s no wonder: with over 13 million new jobs added across the country since he took office, the longest period of national unemployment below 4% in more than half a century, and annual inflation down to 3% after falling for a year straight, Bidenomics is boosting states in every region of the country.”


Biden administration proposes tighter efficiency rule for new home water heaters


Caroline Ellison paid herself $22.5 million bonus around the time she estimated a more than $10 billion cash shortfall at FTX, lawsuit alleges


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Walmart Is In Hot Water After Viral Video of Store Throwing Tons of Food Away Surfaces


Food And Supply Shortages Could Be Coming. Opinion On What Items May Be A Little Harder To Find


Long-term medicine shortages likely after tornado damages Pfizer plant (EF3)

I've got reports of 50,000 pallets of medicine that are strewn across the facility and damaged through the rain and the wind," Stone said.

The plant produces anesthesia and other drugs as well as nearly 25% of all sterile injectable medications used in U.S. hospitals, Pfizer said on its website. Erin Fox, senior pharmacy director at University of Utah Health, said the damage "will likely lead to long-term shortages while Pfizer works to either move production to other sites or rebuilds."


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Illegal Aliens Protest Demanding Free Housing and Paid Job Training

Chicago and other Democrat-run cities, such as New York, have faced a massive influx of illegal migrants flocking to the areas as President Joe Biden’s open-border policies continue to roll out the red carpet, welcoming them into the country.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) has vowed to make Chicago a “sanctuary city,” allowing illegal migrants into Illinois despite violating federal immigration law.


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FedNow Service

Federal Reserve starts new instant payment system

The Fed said that banks and credit unions can start signing up for the system , called the FedNow Service, which will allow for instant money transfers for customers at any time of the day.

"The Federal Reserve built the FedNow Service to help make everyday payments over the coming years faster and more convenient," Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said in a statement.


Exclusive: Clinical Trial Documents Suggest Moderna Skimped on Autopsies, Discounted Serious Injuries — Did FDA Know?


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The imposition of transgender madness: The bottom-up approach

The astounding speed with which a delusional fantasy has been imposed on society – that people can become the opposite sex simply by saying so – requires explanation. This obliteration of nature’s (and God’s) most fundamental truth of our lives and the resultant diminishing of the reproduction of our species clearly vectors toward societal and civilizational collapse. It destroys fertility when surgical and chemical interventions are used, and this dooms the society successfully targeted to decline relative to the rest of the world unaffected by the craze. (Have you heard about transgenderism spreading in Russia and China?) The indoctrination of young children into the ideology means that even among those whose bodies are not mutilated or poisoned, the post-adolescent sexual attraction and bonding necessary for the population to remain stable is diminished.


Can Concerned Parents Stop Schools from Grooming Children?

Parental involvement with schools is essential to stop kids from being sexually corrupted. Yet, many parents do nothing because they fear being cancelled on social media, called homophobes, or raided by the FBI. Others naïvely believe their kids are immune to the woke indoctrination process. However, there is an example from a century ago in Mexico that proves concerned parents can stop public schools from grooming their children. This virtually unknown incident followed the 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution and provides parents of today some encouragement.


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The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.

Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.


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U.S. announces $1.3B military package for Ukraine

The Biden administration on Wednesday announced another military package for Ukraine, committing an additional $1.3 billion worth of weaponry and equipment to bolster Kyiv's ability to defend itself from Russia.


Southern Calif. school district fined $1.5M for failing to adopt new curriculum over Harvey Milk material


"After we deliver the textbooks into the hands of students and their parents, the state will deliver the bill -- along with a $1.5 million fine -- to the school board for its decision to willfully violate the law, subvert the will of parents and force children to use an out-of-print textbook from 17 years ago."


11 horses die in "barbaric" roundup in Nevada caught on video

The 11 deaths so far include five young foals, four horses with broken necks and a stallion with a snapped rear leg that was chased by a helicopter and horseback rider as it tried to flee on three legs for 35 minutes before it was euthanized, according to witnesses. LINKS DON'T WORK, CALIFORNIA

The horse that broke the leg jumping over a trap fence last Wednesday was a lead Palomino stallion called "Mr. Sunshine" by those who'd watched him roam wild over the years southeast of Elko.

They were silent when a couple of dozen escaped cows, and they killed them like this. CLIMATE CHANGE.


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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Author

LESS DEATH DRUGS. Pfizer Building Destroyed By Tornado In North Carolina


FDA Approves Drug Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment in People With Kidney Problems, Despite Data Showing Renal Failure Veklury

Dr. Marik said the National Institutes of Health and Gilead “cooked the first study” that formed the initial basis of FDA authorization in October 2020 because remdesivir was “so toxic.”

“They committed scientific fraud in a single clinical study that provided data to the FDA, changing the endpoint halfway through the study to try and prove the drug had any benefit,” he added. “The FDA is a proxy for Big Pharma. It has no interest in public health.”


Stephen Moore to Newsmax: Americans $4K Poorer With 'Bidenomics'

Financial writer Stephen Moore told Newsmax Wednesday that the average American family is $4,000 poorer under President Joe Biden's economic policies than during former President Donald Trump's administration.


Rising prices, mortgage rates push monthly payments to all-time high: report


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Same as the Brits did to their troops pre-Revolutionary War. Time to REVOLT. THEY BRING TB, OTHER DISEASES, AND VIOLENCE. QUARTERING ACT 1776

Mass. Gov Wants Citizens to House Illegals in Their Homes - Todd Starnes

But as Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr pointed out – the state’s wealthiest and most liberal communities have not exactly rolled out the red carpet.

The citizens of Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket and Cambridge will not have to house the illegals.

Which is a shame because I’m pretty sure you could fit about two or three dozen illegal aliens in Barack Obama’s seaside mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.

Better yet, how about county jail? What better place for people who have breached our borders and violated our national sovereignty?


QUARTERING ACT https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.B31AdDsT0Ag4zyj3H3ESHQHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=d7ee0bec62176c19607cb3596cda6d708b2e7c7c26468fc54d974e3dd7414f67&ipo=images

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