Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022Author

My friend Matthew Aldred just wrote a fantastic piece on Fertilizers and a Train derailment. Wonder how much fossil fuel it took to run that train? And yes the fertilizer price increases affects food supplies and cost.

Checking In on Our Fertilizer Supplies

Maybe We Should Slow Those Trains Down, and Stop Closing the Factories?


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U.S. Sells Drilling Rights to 1.6 Million Acres in Gulf of Mexico, Highlighting Flaws in Biden’s Climate Change Law


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My friend Frederick R Smith adds to the Green nonsense

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and More

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom by Dr. Moore challenges the environmental narrative projected by legacy media. Moore also refutes much of the “science is settled” mantra.


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Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists

If you want to watch the pinkos fret, simply state the indisputable truth that what they call “climate change” is a massive hoax. Their fallback is inevitably that “science” – which they purport to love except when it demonstrates that there are only men and women and that you can’t change the sex you are born as – has decreed that because we peons insist on not living in caves like primitive tribesmen (okay, non-binary tribespeople) the Earth is going to cook. And, of course, the only solution is to do a whole bunch of things that leftists always wanted to do anyway. There’s no time to think, no time to reflect, and certainly no time to argue. Why, who are you to question the scientists?

Well, I’m a lawyer. I question scientists for a living. https://media.townhall.com/townhall/reu/ha/2019/267/d7665292-4516-4955-8805-98668dc31fc5.png

Simple but these kids are Critical Thinkers.

Why Is Carbon Important? | NASA Climate Kids https://climatekids.nasa.gov/carbon/


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Both my grandfathers were coal miners in Nottinghamshire, UK. That's before they closed all the mines down. The coal is still there. Lots of it.

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Grandpa was a coal miner, but had what he called Minor's Asthma which is better known now as Black Lung, curtailed that. He minded the house, grandma worked in a Shirt Factory, scraps came home and became quilts. We know that, the Green Freaks insist it is not the good coal, with the scrubbers we use today it is clean energy. He lived well into his 70's, and would have lived longer, victim of Medical Malpractice when he had a bout of Pneumonia. Nurse missed the Vein with the IV, it all went into the muscle and up around the heart, when he was turned over, it killed him. My Grandma was totally illiterate. None of the Aunts had more than 5th-8th grade educations, my one living uncle was illiterate too, but he learned by doing. worked 30 yrs in a factory. I was too young to understand back then. And suing hospitals is difficult thing even today.

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One of my grandfathers got bad lungs from the mine and died aged 47. I never met him.

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Mine survived into his 70's, only to have Malpractice kill him. Grandma dropped dead of a stroke a year later after a trip to the grocery store.

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deletedJul 28, 2022Liked by ABIGAIL REPORTS
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It is not a professional writer's type article, but it's been a very long time since had to do essay writing.

I'm with you on that, I garden and am a third generation canner. The cold bath is heating now, I learned you can heat/sterilize your jars in the oven and keep them hot as you process what you are canning. I've repurposed everything I can, partly due to funds to buy pre-made leftover storage, or not liking to waste containers, I'd have to buy. Those lunch meat tubs stack nice too. Milk jugs are the only thing you can't reuse for food storage. It has to wear out before it is replaced. Then I look for MADE IN AMERICA goods. Not easy to find in my limited rural community of 7,000. We don't even have a Walmart. That is the next county over, where you go Armed.

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