Aug 18·edited Aug 18Author

Is Everyone on Food Stamps Already?


Thanks to Ray. BTW: A loaf of Kroger bread is now $2.39. Unless SNAP users pay less than regular shoppers. At one time you could use coupons to make Food Stamps go further. Processed food has been advertized, all aimed at kids since TV became common. Radio didn't work as well, food is visual.

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Salty Joe Biden: Kamala Harris Owns 'Bidenomics'


Kamala Harris owns "Bidenomics" and will not depart from the policies that fueled about 20 percent inflation on average, Joe Biden suggested.

Kamala the Commie Makes Her Most Radical Promise: Her Plan to Tackle Inflation Will Destroy America


As if there was ever really any doubt, Kamala Harris just confirmed that she is a FULL-BLOWN COMMUNIST! After the policies which she and her buddy Joe Biden have implemented across America led to massive inflation spikes in every category, but especially food prices, Kamala’s solution is apparent After the policies which she and her buddy Joe Biden have implemented across America led to massive inflation spikes in every category, but especially food prices, Kamala’s solution is apparently… communism.

Under the guise of “banning price gouging” Kamala’s “genius” fix for inflation is take a page out of Soviet-Russia’s book with “food pricing controls.”

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The one solution Communist Kamala doesn't mention is the only one that works, slash government spending to the bone!

Excellent job, Abigail.

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Thank you. We would slash government, starting with those IRS, FBI, ICE, CIA, USDA, and the WHOLE DEPT. OF EDUCATION. If you can't pass a Civic. Government, and Constituion test, your fired. DIE hires, and political paper shufflers, is a good start.

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Top Kamala Surrogate Raphael Warnock Signals Support for Push for Harris Passing Mandatory Gun Confiscation


Kamala Harris has already signaled that she is coming for our guns.

Top Harris surrogate, far-left Georgia Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock, appeared on Meet the Press with Kristen Welker on Sunday morning to endorse this overt attack on Americans.

Despite Democrat water carrier Welker uncharacteristically pushing Warnock for an answer, he did the Democratic politician shuffle and refused to be pinned down to a simple, clear yes or no answer.

Kristen Welker: Should she also be, in your opinion, supporting a mandatory gun buyback program?

Raphael Warnock: Listen, we’re not going to be able to get where we need to go without action in Congress. We’ve got to pass some laws to deal with this.

Now, I was heartened by the fact that two years ago, we finally did a gun safety law, the Safer Communities Act. It was the first gun safety law we passed in 30 years. Thirty years. It was modest, but it did save lives. But clearly, in the wake of what happened just the other day in Winder, Georgia, it’s not enough. The least we can do is move forward on the bipartisan spaces where ordinary people agree.

FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris says mandatory gun confiscation is "a great idea" — then says she'll do it by executive action within her "first 100 days.


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Fed survey shows lows in employment, worries about finding work and dissatisfaction with pay


The results come with the unemployment rate ticking higher and Wall Street and Fed policymakers watching the developments closely for clues about where things are headed for the U.S. economy. (DOWN) LOTS OF STATS/LINKS.

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Maybe we should examine how well Democrats controlled health care prices before we allow Kamala to destroy our country


In 2009, the average single premium was $92.43 per month. Today it is $703 per month or up over 660% in 15 years.

In 2009 the average family premium was $349 per month and today it is $1,997 per month or up 472%. according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Obamacare is a great example of how successful Democrats are when they pass laws that they falsely told the public would reduce health insurance prices by $2,500 per family.

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a 2,000-page monstrosity with thousands of pages of additional pages of new regulations and many new taxes. Any person with a brain would have known that the bill would cause price increases, not decreases, but no one was allowed to see the bill as passed.

The first thing it did was take away freedom of choice. It forced people and businesses to buy a Cadillac instead of a Ford or Toyota type of insurance. People weren't allowed to buy cheaper policies. The government dictated what people and businesses had to buy. Insurance companies had a captive audience.

Then it said that insurance companies had to spend 80% to 85% of premiums on care because they thought profits were too high.

See this here, from the government itself:

And prices soared instead of dropping as promised. A very small percentage of people are covered directly through Obamacare but all of us have been screwed with much higher prices and no freedom of choice because Democrat politicians want to control us.

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They sure don't learn history. Richard Nixion price fixing failure https://fee.org/articles/nixon-knew-his-price-controls-wouldnt-work/,

What Nixon’s Ghost Can Teach Americans about Using Price Controls to Curb Inflation Richard Nixon was many things, but he was not a fool; the Nixon tapes show the president fully understood the ramifications of price controls—yet he employed them anyway to help secure reelection. https://fee.org/articles/what-nixons-ghost-can-teach-americans-about-price-controls-to-try-to-curb-inflation/

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'We've Seen This Tried in Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union' - CNN Turns on Kamala Harris, DESTROYS Her Dangerous Price Control Scheme (VIDEO)


CNN destroyed Kamala Harris’s Soviet-style price controls proposal and said it would lead to higher prices and shortages. Kamala Harris traveled to North Carolina on Friday to announce a Communist-style price control scheme to combat the inflation crisis she created.

Harris cast the tie-breaking vote on the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’ The IRA made inflation unbearable for Americans.

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have spent the last three and a half years promoting the same ideas and touting the same economic programs. That’s now seen as a burden for Harris as she tries to distance herself from Biden’s unpopular programs and economy.

However, Harris is likely to have trouble escaping responsibility for inflation and economic malaise. As vice president, Harris set a record for casting the most tie-breaking votes in the Senate for Biden’s partisan legislation, including some of the largest deficit spending bills in recent history. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, passed with Harris’s tie-breaking vote shortly after Biden and Harris took office, is seen by many economists as a key accelerant of inflation.

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Remembering Nixon’s Wage and Price Controls


First, it’s usually Congress that lays the foundation for an imperial presidency with unconstitutional delegations of authority to the executive branch. The Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 gave Nixon legislative cover for his actions.

The act was “a political dare,” according to top Nixon official George Shultz — the Democrats thought Nixon wouldn’t use the powers they’d granted him, but he called their bluff.

It’s likely that if you’ve been using social media lately, you’ve seen the now-viral video of Kamala Harris responding to a query regarding her plan to address inflation. Believe me when I say that it’s funny.

In the video, a reporter asks her, “What more are you going to do to address this problem with inflation?”

“Well, let’s get things started,” Kamala said. “Yeah, the cost has increased. Families and individuals are also coping with the fact that the price of bread and gas has increased. We need to understand the implications of this increase. That relates to the rising cost of living. That has to do with straining and extending scarce resources. This is a significant burden that families must bear on a daily basis, in addition to being an economic source of stress. Therefore, we hold it in high regard. really gravely.”


“And we know from the history of this issue in the United States that when you see these costs go up, it directly affects everyone in our nation’s quality of life,” she said. Thus, we consider it to be a significant matter. Therefore, it is a priority

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Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Destroy the US Economy & Lead to Food Shortages



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Lessons from 1968



Harris promises to go tough on border security,


Families spending 22% more on household goods than in 2021


This means that families have a 22% increase in cumulative inflation since January 2021, putting North Carolina 1.5% higher than the national average. Over that same period, inflation has cost each household nearly $26,000 more than they would have spent. The average American is having to spend significantly more each month just to sustain the same lifestyle.

“Compared to one year earlier, the average North Carolina household needs to spend $165 more per month to maintain the same standard of living,” the report said.

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Kamala Unveils Plan to Fix Last 4 Years of Economic Destruction


Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off her campaign speech in North Carolina on Friday announcing her new economic plan that would give about $1.7 trillion in handouts to those struggling in the current Biden-Harris economy and set price controls on groceries.

While we know about Harris stealing Donald Trump’s plan to eliminate taxes on tips (after she was the tie-breaking vote on legislation to supercharge IRS enforcement), the proposals also include; – Communist price controls to crack down on ‘corporate price-gouging in the food and grocery industries.’

But the policy positions she embraced Friday suggest she will continue, if not deepen, the party’s transformation under Biden, who pushed for more aggressive government intervention in the economy on industrial, labor and antitrust policies.”

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Minnesota grandma who was jailed for violating lockdown orders calls Walz a 'tyrant'


Former Minnesota small business owner Lisa Hanson details what she went through for violating lockdown orders in 2021 and shares what she thinks about Gov. Tim Walz.

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I think Patrick Henry was on to something...

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The Founders were all well educated and free thinkers, great orators too. Most were young. Considered raricals in their time. Thank God for such men, and women.

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He sure was , he knew that many in America just wanted to go along with Britain. Those being the elite of course, there's nothing new under the sun.

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Getting better and better Gail!

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This 0ne was from the heart, and love of the real USA.

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